Day 3: Melide and the Pilgrim Way

It’s not easy being a pilgrim.

Still, I keep thinking about how arduous the Camino must have been for pilgrims hundreds of years ago, before hotels, cafes, pharmacies and gift shops.

Today’s way took us about four hours – we are taking it easy today and tomorrow – about 16 kms each day. Piece of cake!

We’ve fallen into a routine: up at 6:30, breakfast at 7, then on the road in the darkness by 7:30, looking for yellow arrows spray-painted on the pavement and on random walls.

Here are my mom and Nick looking for the way out of Palas de Rei this morning. The people in front of them went the wrong way, and we almost followed them off into the abyss. Luckily they turned around.

Here are some more moments from today’s way…

Helena and Nick…this was a tiny place called Casanova. Everyone was asleep – except for the roosters.

There are no coincidences!

Melide is known for its pulpo (octopus) and its octopus buskers.

Here’s a selfie with the Roman guy we kept running into, including the pulperia at lunchtime. Dude, it’s been fun discussing Trump vs Berlusconi with you. See you in Santiago!

Helena gets an impromptu free blister treatment by herbalist Maria Jesus with a needle and thread from her sewing box; here they are discussing post operative care. Hugs and kisses were included, as was a walk to her son’s restaurant.

Melide’s historic center.

Tomorrow brings us to Arzua.

Thank you for following along with us on this journey so far. We’re thinking of you as we travel these well-worn footpaths.

Hugs to all, dear readers!